
Since 2001 I have enjoyed offering supervision to a wide variety of people.  I’ve supervised many counsellors and caseworkers.  I welcome counsellors who work in organisations or in private practice, as well as community workers and case-workers who are based within agencies. I work with several organisations in Manchester as a Supervisor, and have a long history of working with agencies who provide support for people suffering domestic abuse and sexual violence.

I believe that a collegial approach to supervision brings out the best in us, as I enjoy working alongside, rather than overly directing supervisees.  This is because I believe that we all bring our own life and work experience to our sessions – giving us a rich pool of resources to use as we work together.

I follow the ‘BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy’ to ensure good supervision practice, and I have always had my own regular clinical supervision to ensure accountability and best practice.

As with Counselling clients, I offer a short, introductory session (free of charge) for us to meet and see if we can establish a working alliance.